This "Promptless AI" Copywriting App Creates Cash-Grabbing Copy With Cut And Paste Simplicity...See For Yourself...

Get In On Our Founders Phase 3 Special...500 400 387 221 Slots Available!

Save $999 Today!

We'll remove the $999 first month set-up fee when you order today PLUS upgrade you to BNSN Pro FREEOnly $99/month...and you can cancel at any time!
* Prices are for single-use only. Each additional user is $49/month. 2 additional users allowed on Pro plan. You can upgrade and get unlimited users with our Agency plan.

Differences between BNSN Classic...

  • Generators: Limited to short-form Generators (Ads, Emails) and up to 20,000 words every month.
  • Blueprints: Does not create Retarget blueprints (auto-create blueprints for specific avatars so you can resell the same offer to different target markets)
  • Projects: Cannot re-blueprint a project for a new offer or client. You have to re-create projects from scratch if you want to use the same assets.
  • Cloner: Only uses the simple version of Cloner.
  • Team Members: Cannot add additional team members to your account.

...and BNSN Pro!

  • Generators: Unlimited Generators (Ads, Emails, VSLs, Leads, and much more) and up to 50,000 words every month!
  • Blueprints: Comes with Retargeted blueprints. Now you can auto-create blueprints for specific avatars so you can resell the same offer to different target markets!
  • Projects: Comes with re-blueprinting for projects. Now you can clone an entire project, change the blueprint, and instantly use it for new clients or projects!
  • Cloner: Comes with Cloner Pro - clones far more variables with greater precision!
  • Team Members: Add up to 2 additional team members to your account! Only $49/mo/member!

Listen To What BNSN Users Are Saying…


Save $999 Today!

We'll remove the $999 first month set-up fee when you order today PLUS upgrade you to BNSN Pro FREE! Only $99/month...and you can cancel at any time!
Yours Today - Only $97